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  1. Static Variable:

    • What it is: A variable that belongs to the class, not to objects.
    • Example: If you create multiple objects of a class, all of them will share the same static variable.
    • Key Points:
      • It's shared among all instances of the class.
      • Keeps its value between method calls.
    • Example:
      class MyClass {
          static int count;
    • This count variable having the single shared memory
    • It can be overridden
    • It can access by using class name
  2. Static Method:

    • What it is: A method that belongs to the class, not an object, and can be called without creating an instance.

    • Key Points:

      • Can only access static variables or other static methods.
      • Cannot access instance variables directly.
    • Example:

      class MyClass {
          static void printMessage() {
              cout << "Hello!";
      • Make the object of the class and pass the instance variable for access the instance variable inside the static method.
  3. Static Class:

    • What it is: A class that cannot be instantiated and only contains static members (variables and methods).
    • Key Points:
      • Only static members allowed.
      • Cannot create objects of this class.
    • Example:
      static class MyUtility {
          static void DoSomething() {
              Console.WriteLine("Doing something!");
      MyUtility.DoSomething();  // Can only call methods like this.

In summary, static means something is shared or belongs to the class, not individual objects.

<<>> with ♥️ by S@Nchit