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✍️ Projects Portfolio

✍️ Project Philosophy

"Every project is an opportunity to learn, figure out problems, invent, and reinvent."

🌐 Campus Connect

🔗 Live
💻 Code Repository

Tech Stack:
MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js)

Developed a Campus Connect web portal using MERN stack. It includes user authentication, admission form submissions, and admin management. Improved user experience with React and ensured efficient data management using MongoDB.

🌾 AgroSmart

💻 App Code

Tech Stack:
Django | Python | Machine Learning | HTML | CSS | JavaScript

Consolidated soil nutrient analysis, rainfall data, crop recommendations, and yield predictions using machine learning. The app helps farmers make informed decisions on crop selection and yield forecasts.


  • Soil analysis
  • Rainfall insights
  • Crop recommendations
  • Virtual Market for organic products
  • Secure logout

🧘‍♂️ The Yoga Instructor

💻 Code Repository

Tech Stack:
Numpy | Matplotlib | OpenCV

Implemented a pre-trained deep learning model to estimate body poses in real-time and predict yoga asanas. The system helps guide users in performing correct yoga poses by detecting and measuring angles.

🤖 LLAMA_Chatbot (Finderr)

💻 App Code

Tech Stack:
Python | GPT 3.5 | JavaScript | HTML | CSS | Llama-Index | Django

Finderr employs the LlamaIndex and RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) to enrich its responses with custom data sources. The chatbot assists users in finding college-related information, improving user interaction with swift, accurate responses.

✍️ Blogs Site

💻 App Code

Tech Stack:
Python | Django | Bootstrap | SQLite

A web application that allows users to create, publish, and manage blog posts. It offers a user-friendly interface for both administrators and visitors to interact with the blog content.

🎮 Games Info App

💻 App Code

Tech Stack:
Flutter | Dart | API | Firebase

API integration for authentication and UI design. This application provides a platform for users to browse PC games and read reviews.

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